Saturday, April 24, 2010


Basola Victor

Jude Okoye got to his office on Monday morning beaming with smiles, he has just acquired a new car which put a hole in his savings but not to worry, his salary for the next 6 months will replace the money since he does not pay house rent; he lives in the management quarters of his company. He checked with his secretary for regular internal mails only to get a letter from his boss.

“Dear, Jude Okoye,
Due to the economic challenges we are facing right now, we would no longer be needing your services, pls see the accountant for your pay off advice and endeavour to make available company assets in your possession.”Thanks for your efforts so far.

HR Manager,
Xyz Company

The letter sent shocking waves down his spine, he hadn’t prepared for this, he has just been FIRED!

3 things will eventually happen in along the corporate ladder, you would either be Fired, Retire or Resign. The million dollar question is Are you prepared for that moment or are you putting all your eggs in Pension or Retirement benefit.
Today’s issue is focusing on preparing for that one moment; we would be learning different means of securing your financial future.

Wealth was once defined by an old wise man as “another source of money”. I read the Bible book of Genesis and I discovered that God provided the Garden of Eden with four (4) rivers to supply it water. This tells us that depending on only one source of income can never give you financial freedom. You can decide today to stat making your money work for you. A little percentage of your income can be placed into instruments that yield dividends monthly or annually as the case may be or better still, you could Start Your Own Business. I like that word and I have been teaching and living it for the past 4 years. I am not saying you should resign out rightly if you do not have the wherewithal to do so, what I recommend is to start small and grow it until it pays your bills; then, you can Resign and concentrate on your Brain child fully.

I once read about the late psychologist and father of behaviour modification, B. F. Skinner who defines Happiness as “doing what you are good at”
Some years ago, the Gallup organization studied over 250,000 high achievers from all works of life and concluded that the greatest levels of achievement occurs when people are matched with work that builds on their unique skills and strengths. Unfortunately, it’s easy to overlook your strengths. They seem so natural to you that you probably take them for granted and don’t think they are anything special. Have you noticed how gifted performers and athletes make their work look easy? It’s because they work very hard at something that comes easily and naturally to you.

Begin by writing as many answers as you can to this question: What do I do better than most people and I love and enjoy doing? Your answers will suggest a good business that will allow you to express your unique talents. Now pause and write down your list before you continue reading. Check your list, have you come up with any new ideas for a business you would enjoy that had not occurred to you earlier? If so, add them to your list. Now look at each business on the list in the light of your personal strengths. If you feel you don’t have the skills, the aptitudes, the knowledge or the desire to learn what it takes to be excellent in the business, scratch it off your list.
Listen to Martha Sinetar, “Do what you love, the money will follow”

Passion and talent are great, but you will become a millionaire only by applying them to produce something that people want and are willing to pay handsomely for. Money flows in the direction of value; that is why it is called currency. The question is what value can you create with your skills and talents, what problems can you solve or better put what human need can you meet with your skills?
Customers exchange money for something they believe will satisfy them more than the money they have to pay for it. How much people are willing to pay you for your services depends on Three (3) considerations:

What you do
How well you do it
How difficult it would be to replace you

The more people strongly want what you offer, the more money you would make. The bigger the problems you solve, the greater the Money. It’s that simple.


The best way to start is to start now and secure your financial future. The excuses in your head right now are nothing compared to the frustrations and disappointments years from now if you don’t do something now, I mean today.

About The Author
Basola A. Victor is an Author, speaker and Business coach. He is the CEO of Business Skills Academy, a knowledge-centered capacity building and business Training firm based in Katsina, Nigeria.
Phone: 234 (0) 703 5121 346, 234 (0) 705 6169 383

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